Turn to an experienced DWI defense lawyer in Rockwall, Greenville, TX, and Rockwall County
If you're facing a criminal charge for driving while intoxicated, you're probably worried about how that charge will affect your future. When you hire DWI defense lawyer Thomas Hooton, he'll do everything he can to minimize the impact of that charge. With over four decades of experience, he has a thorough knowledge of Texas driving laws. As your DWI defense lawyer, he'll put his knowledge and experience to work for you.
Contact Hooton Law Center now to schedule a consultation with an experienced DWI defense lawyer serving Rockwall, Greenville, TX, Rockwall County, and the Dallas area.
If you're convicted of driving while intoxicated in the state of Texas, you may face:
These penalties may be increased if you've been convicted of a DWI offense in the past. With serious consequences like these at stake, you'll want an experienced DWI defense lawyer like Thomas Hooton by your side in court.